The Dracula Files 英文正式版(遊戲軟體)
The moon is full as you trek back from the cemetery through the dark,
haunted Transylvanian forest. You have all of the necessary tools at your
disposal, and yet relics continue to evade you in your search. Dracula,
the legendary vampire, is at large once again, and it is up to you to
destroy him. As the darkness grows thick, you start to wonder if you will
end Dracula's reign before he finds you.
The Dracula Files places you on a quest to find the legendary vampire and
end his reign. The cinematic storyline engages you as his fiendish plan
unfolds. Search desolate graveyards and haunted Transylvanian forests for
clues, relics and tools that will help you on your adventure. Defend
yourself against werewolves, poltergeists and other terrifying creatures.
Can you end Dracula's reign forever?
吸血鬼德古拉 3 龍之路 Dracula 3 The Path Of The Dragon Intel MacOSX 英文正式版(光碟版遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
謀殺的藝術:秘密檔案 Art of Murder The Secret Files 英文正式版(AVG冒險遊戲軟體)
藍蛤蟆謀殺檔案:謎語鎮奇案 Blue Toad Murder Files The Mysteries of Little Riddle 英文正式版(DVD版)
吸血鬼德古拉 3 龍之路 Dracula 3 Path Of The Dragon 英文正式版(DVD版)
音速小子 4 第二章 Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 英文正式版(ACT動作遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
創造歷史 2:世界大戰 Making History II The War of the World 英文正式版
Casebook Episode III Snake in The Grass 英文正式版(案宗第三章:隱藏的危險AVG 冒險遊戲軟體)(DVD版)